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Interior Catholic Styles
The inspiration for the four Interior Catholic styles came after some lively sisterly conversations about decor and how to help others without overwhelm. It became very clear to us that we have completely opposite styles but appreciate each other's tact for home design that breathes life to our faith. Rachelle leans into a Gothic style, whereas Therese tends towards a Baroque style, some of this pictured throughout the website!
In our discoveries we found that everyone has an inclination towards one of four "Interior Catholic Styles" (think of them as the Four Temperaments of Catholic Interior Design). Each Interior Catholic style flows between two spectrums that we've identified: Color and Devotionals. Identifying someone's Interior Catholic is as simple as identifying where your designing tendencies fall in these two categories. We hope that you can take this knowledge and find inspiration to rethink how you design your own domestic church.
Minimal Color
Maximal Color